Lifelong Learning

MODULES: Approval of Modules in Pre-vocational Education & Training

Transnational project with partners from 7 countries: Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Greece, Portugal, Romania, UK

Co-funded by the European Commission, DG Education & Culture Leonardo da Vinci programme

Project completion:2007

REFLECTIVE EVALUATION : Reflective Quality Development for CVT (Continuing Vocational Training) Teachers & Trainers through Self-evaluation

Transnational project with partners from 6 countries: Denmark, Germany, Greece, Portugal, Romania, UK

Co-funded by the European Commission, DG Education & Culture Leonardo da Vinci programme

Project completion:2007

EURACADEMY: European Summer Academy for Sustainable Rural Development

Transnational project with partners from 6 countries: Greece, Sweden, Spain, Finland, Poland, Hungary

Co-funded by the European Commission, DG Education & Culture, Leonardo da Vinci Programme

Project completion: 2003,

KEYNET: Key Skills Development as a Network Strategy for Combating Exclusion form the Labour Market in Territorial Employment Pact Areas

Transnational project with partners from 4 countries: Greece, Sweden, Germany, UK

Co-funded by the European Commission, Leonardo da Vinci programme

Project completion: 2001,

EVENT: Cost and Benefit Evaluation of Enterprise-based Training, Comparative Study implemented by a Transnational project with partners from 4 countries: Greece, England, Ireland, Italy

Co-funded by the European Commission, DG XXII, Leonardo da Vinci Programme

Project completion: 2000

CRAFT: Distance Learning Material Development for Craft Artisans and SMEs, Leonardo da Vinci Programme

Transnational project with partners from 4 countries: Greece, Italy, Ireland, Sweden

Co-funded by the European Commission, DG XXII, Leonardo da Vinci Programme

Project completion 1998